The Connection Between Indian and ltalian Fashion Industries
Fashion Industry 2024 Why Global Brands Are Choosing Vietnam
Gli accordi di non divulgazione NDA in Cina
Il contratto di Franchising in Cina
Consigli per la tutela dei segreti commerciali in Cina
Bloomberg Interview
IDI Shanghai 2023
Class CNBC interview
ITA IPR Desk - Copyright Protection in China
In this video I talk about copyright protection and registration in China.
For any further information feel free to contact us at ipr.pechino@ice.it or c.dandrea.dandreapartners@ice.it
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm5ezHVuN64&t=16s&ab_channel=ItalianTradeAgency
ITA IPR Desk - Licensing of trademarks and patents in China
In this first video I talk about licensing of trademarks and patents in China.
For any further information feel free to contact us at ipr.pechino@ice.it or c.dandrea.dandreapartners@ice.it
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DP0mjMly7Gw&t=16s&ab_channel=ItalianTradeAgency
CGTN Global Business Roundtable
Interview by the Italian all-news channel Sky TG24
A pleasure to be interviewed in quality of Vice President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China by the Italian all-news channel Sky TG24. Together with the other guests we discussed about the challenging times that we all Chinese, expats and enterprises are facing during this strict lockdown in Shanghai. Watch the interview below and let's stay strong.
'5 Days on the Markets' Interview by Class Cnbc
Belt And Road Initiative Interview by Class Cnbc
"Belt & Road Initiative. From the BRI to the Digital Silk Road (DSR, Digital Silk Road), opportunities for Italian companies"
Shanghai's role in China-EU trade and investment
CGTN reporter Li Jianhua invites Carlo D'Andrea, vice president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, to talk about how Pudong's opening-up has influenced China-EU trade and investment.
Italian Design Icons 2020 featured on ICS
Thanks to International Channel Shanghai for coming to Italian Design Icons and to support the concept of environment protection and sustainability!
Italian Design Icons 2020 featured on CGTN
Italian Design Icons 2020 featured on CGTN, TV Channel. Thanks to all the iconic brands and our Eastant team for the great support, we will rock also Chongqing 2021 edition!
IDI Interview by Milanofinanza
IDI Interview by Hurun
IDI 2020
CGTN Dialogue
Pleased to join the #CGTN Dialogue last night to discuss the CIIE and our Shanghai Local Position Paper, which we launched on Nov 2nd 2020
5 Giorni Sui Mercati - Carlo D'Andrea speaks on China's plans in a post-covid19 phase #coronavirus
On March 29, 2020, Mr. Carlo Diego D'Andrea was interviewed to discuss China's plans in a post-covid19 phase at 5 Giorni Sui Mercati.
Mr. Carlo D'Andrea speaks about the impact of COVID-19 on China business environment on Centralmente
On February 15th, 2020, Mr. D'Andrea was interviewed on # Centralmente to discuss the struggles of European companies in China, and the prompt response of the Chinese authorities to deal with safety challenges.
Mr. Carlo D'Andrea speaks on Safety Measures & the Impact on Business Activities in China on RAI TV
On February 18th, 2020, Mr. D'Andrea was interviewed on #Rai1 to discuss the uncertainty of European companies in #China dealing with the current extreme safety provisions, which are affecting regular business activities
Mr. Carlo D'Andrea speaks about doing business in China during the quarantine period on Rete 8
On February 18th, 2020, Mr. D'Andrea was interviewed on # Rete8 to discuss the uncertainty of European companies in China dealing with the current extreme safety provisions, which are affecting regular business activities.
Carlo D'Andrea speaks on challenges and government subsidies during coronavirus outbreak in China
On February 5, 2020, Mr. D'Andrea was interviewed at Uno Mattina on #Rai1 to discuss the current challenges that companies have to face during the #coronavirus outbreak in #China, government subsidies and the expected trends for the Chinese economy.
Intervista a Carlo D'Andrea su misure straordinarie per imprese durante coronavirus in Cina
Venerdì 7 febbraio 2020, Carlo D'Andrea è stato intervistato a #TG1 in merito alle misure straordinarie decise da Pechino per aiutare le imprese in Cina durante il difficile momento del #coronavirus - #nofakenews
Italian Design Icons 4th edition 2019
Italian Design Icons 4th edition 2019
DP delegation lead by Carlo D'Andrea meet Pescara Mayor Mr. Carlo Masci
Avv. Carlo Diego D'Andrea intervista a TG Regione Abruzzo - Focus Cina, Myanmar, Vietnam BRI
Mr D'Andrea on CGTN talking about China's economy
"China and BCE" - 5 GIORNI 8th March
Mr. Carlo D'Andrea was interviewed by 5 Giorni, talking about "China and BCE, constructive turning points"
Bloomberg Markets: Asia." Mr. Carlo D'Andrea was interviewed by Bloomberg
Mr. Carlo D'Andrea, discusses Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech in Shanghai and what it means for China.
Italian Design Icons on Tencent News
The 3rd Edition of IDI Italian Design Icons was reported by Tencent News in November 2018
European Chamber Guangzhou 2018: Our Southern Chinese Pearl
As National Vice-President of the European Chamber and Chairman of its Shanghai Chapter, it was ...
European Business In China – Position Paper 2017/2018, Launch On 19th September@Shanghai
As National Vice-President of the European Chamber and Chairman of its Shanghai Chapter, it was ...
Mr. Carlo D'Andrea was interviewed by CGTN - China International Import Expo
Jessica Stone & Carlo D'Andrea talked about the the biggest trade fair in recent memory: China International Import Expo
Interview by ICS
Mr. Carlo D'Andrea was interviewed by the he International Channel Shanghai
Money talks interview
Interview of CGTN
Italian Design Icons-sheng huo shi shang channal
EUCCC Shanghai Chapter Chairman Election_Mr. Carlo D'Andrea
During the Annual General Meeting of European Union Chamber of Commerce (EUCCC) as well as the European day celebration, the Shanghai chapter has elected the new board members, Vice-Chairman and Chairman. Mr. Carlo D’Andrea was elected to serve as new Chairman of the board of the EUCCC Shanghai Chapter for the next two years.
2016上海-意大利设计标志展Italian Design Icons
During one of the hottest seasons for the international design in Shanghai, an exhibition named “Italian Design Icons” is going to celebrate the universal excellence in living: the Italian design and the “Bella Vita” lifestyle. From a D’Andrea& Partners’ idea, together with Condé Nast Center, top brands from furniture to luxury cars, from food to design will show their icons.