Publishing in China. News from EUCCC
Publishing in China. News from EUCCC
Published on April 20, 2016
Yesterday, as a member of the Board of EUCCC Shanghai Chapter, I was invited to moderate the event about one of the most hot topic at the moment here in China: "New Online Publishing Regulation and Domain Registration draft". Now the restrictions on publishing that are already familiar to radio, movies and television have been extended to the internet. According to the new rules (that took effect on March 10) any content published online must be hosted on servers inside China. That is to say that text, maps, video, audio files, games and everything which can be considered as online content is included in this rule. I had the pleasure to moderate the event and the speeches of two important and esteemed professionals - Mr. Eugene Low and Mr. Guagyue He. Thanks a lot to the European Union Chamber of Commerce Shanghai and if you need further information about this topic, get in touch with the Chamber.