EUCCC Shanghai Board Election 2017
EUCCC Shanghai Board Election 2017
Published on April 14, 2017
The campaign for the election of the new Chairman of the European Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) Shanghai Chapter has officially started on April 11th. I am proud and excited to announce that I am a candidate running for this crucial position.
Following the modification of the Article of Association that we have carried out in the past year, starting from today Friday 14th April it will be possible to express the vote online.
This is not the first time I run for a position in the Board of Directors of the EUCCC Shanghai, but this is certainly one of the most significant experiences for me and I am very happy to take on this new challenge.
I have been holding an active relationship with the EUCCC since a long time: I have been member since 2005, when I arrived in Nanjing, Board Director for three years and Chairman of the Board of Directors in the Nanjing Chapter. I moved later on to Shanghai and I have been elected as Chair of the legal and competition working group. As many of you know, I am currently the Vice Chairman of the EUCCC Shanghai Chapter.
During my previous positions, I devoted myself to enlarge the number of members, encouraging each of them to involve and increase the affection and the trust towards common goals and strategies.
For the future term, I will put effort to:
1. Coordinate the EUCCC Chapters in order to cover all the Yangtze River area;
2. Implement government affairs to make them stronger and more dynamic;
3. Improve the effectiveness of our communication channels;
4. Create a think tank as the source of innovation and a local R&D;
5. Enlarging the number of the active members of each Working Group.
Leaders embrace people with passion, by galvanizing them, inspiring them and connecting them. I therefore reach out to all of my fellow EUCCC members to support me in running as the Chairman of EUCCC. The chances to have these goals done are in your hands and in your vote.
Please be informed that you can express your preference through the vote online: the contact person appointed to the EUCCC when the company applied for membership will receive an e-mail with the credential to express the preference. Alternately, you can participate to the Assembly General Meeting that will be held on May 9th at the Grand Kempinski Hotel in Shanghai, during which you will be able to express your vote in person to elect the new Chairman, Vice Chairman as well as the new Board members.
I invite you to contact me for any inquiries or suggestions you may have in order to improve my program and/or the activities of the EUCCC Shanghai Chapter.
Thank you!