“The New Silk Road”: D&P Practical Guides in cooperation with Milano Finanza and ClassEditori
“The New Silk Road”: D&P Practical Guides in cooperation with Milano Finanza and ClassEditori
Published on June 8, 2018
In order to be able to compete in a country evolving as fast as China along with a market and a judicial system which is becoming, day after day, more complex and articulated, it is compulsory for foreign investors to be equipped with the proper tools of information, which can help to better understand China’s economical and juridical features. In order to address these needs, together with the international team of D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel, I have summarized the great professional experience acquired throughout the years of practice in China in four Practical Guides, essential for everyone aiming to intelligently invest in a Country which has quickly become one of the major global powers in matters of innovation, research and development.
The Guides can be now found all across Italy, as attachments to the Newspapers Milano Finanza and Italia Oggi. In particular:
– The Guide “IPR—Intellectual Property Rights in China”, focused on the protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China, including trademarks, patents, intellectual works, IT applications and domain names and distributed as an attachment to the newspapers on sale on 12.05.2018;
– The Guide “FDI- Foreign Investments in China”, focused on foreign direct investments in China, including representative offices, joint ventures, wholly foreign owned enterprises (WFOE), branches and subsidies of foreign companies, distributed as an attachment to the newspapers on sale on 19.05.2018;
– The Guide “FTZ – Free Trade Zones in China”, dedicated to the fiscal and administrative advantages in the various Free Trade Zones established in the People’s Republic of China, distributed as an attachment to the newspapers on sale on 28.05.2018;
– The Guide “CLL – Chinese Labor Law”, that traces a comprehensive yet precise analysis of the complex Chinese labor law system, constantly evolving and the mandatory requirements that companies must fulfill to employ workers (including foreign employees), distributed as an attachment to the Newspapers on sale on 02.06.2018.
Everyone who has missed any of the publications can find the Guides in our Offices, on the online store of ClassEditori, as well as on Apple iBooks, Amazon, and Google Play.